Trusted Trader
Managing local Trading Standards vetted trader schemes

Trading Standards Trusted Trader

Trusted Trader is a local business partnership which aims to:
  • increase consumer confidence
  • promote good practice within local businesses
  • help protect residents from doorstep crime.
It was originally started by Dundee City Council Trading Standards Service in 2005, and in 2014 Edinburgh Trading Standards asked Trusted Directory Services (TDS) to set up a standard Trusted Trader platform. The scheme has expanded across other Scottish Councils from East Lothian to East Renfrewshire and in 2022, Norfolk County Council Trading Standards asked if TDS could create an English version of the popular Scottish platform.

Each Council is responsible for their own scheme, but Trusted Trader follows a standard Code of Practice tailored to the local needs of each local authority.

TDS is responsible for this website and providing scheme management support, customer service and assistance to Trading Standards for the schemes that are hosted on trustedtrader.team.

Each Council backs and oversee the scheme, with the vetting approval carried out by Trading Standards Officers. Trading Standards also ensure Traders adhere to the Code of Practice and will intervene in disputes when required.

Where applicable, Kent County Council Trading Standards ADR can be used to allow impartial adjudication when a dispute arises between consumer and business and can be settled outside of court.

Other local assured, approved or Trusted Trader schemes are available across England and Wales, hosted locally on council websites or by other third parties. But make sure any scheme you use is actually a genuine local authority run or managed scheme, and not a commercial imitation. If in doubt, always go to the local council website and search fro information about approved or trusted trader schemes.

Follow the links below to learn more about your local scheme hosted on this platform.